Board Meetings

Board meetings are regularly held on the first full-weekend of each February and August. The February meeting is designated as the Semi-annual Meeting and the August meeting is designated as the Annual Meeting. "Full weekend" is defined as at least the 1st day of the month falling on Saturday.

Annual Board Meeting - August 3, 2024

Dates: August 3, 2024 | Venue: Texas Lions Camp

What it Means to Serve

There is no greater heart, than the one that beats in the chest of a lion. TLC has a very large board, consisting of Lions from across the State of Texas.

Voting Members
  • Past Chairman of the Board
  • Disctrict Governors
  • Immediate Past District Governors
  • Elected Directors
  • Executive Committee

Standing Committees, Non-voting Members

TLC also has more than 325, non-voting members that comprise 10 different areas of emphasis.

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee shall consist of five (5) members comprised of the Camp’s First Vice-Chairman, the Camp’s Treasurer, the Chairman of the Finance Committee and two (2) additional members of the Finance Committee as appointed by the Chairman of the Board. The Chairman of the Board and the President & CEO shall serve as ex-officio, non-voting members of the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee shall review the annual independent audit of the Camp’s financial records and associated management letter to insure compliance with the approved budget and all applicable laws pertaining thereto and shall report to the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors with respect thereto.

By-Laws Committee

The By-Laws Committee shall make a thorough study of the By-Laws to ascertain the need for amendment thereof, shall consider the form of all recommended changes to the By-Laws and shall report the same to the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors.

Camp Improvements Committee

The Camp Improvements Committee shall investigate the condition of all existing and proposed improvements to the Camp and shall report to the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors as to the condition and needs with respect thereto.

Camp Program Committee

The Camp Program Committee, shall make a thorough study of the programs offered or to be offered by the Camp and shall report to the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors as to the condition and needs with respect thereto.

Development Committee

The Development Committee shall study ways and means of financial support for the General Fund by all appropriate means, including, but not limited to, member, other individual, club and corporate sponsorships, as well as the use of memorial contributions and fund raising events and shall report the results of their studies to the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee shall prepare, review and submit to the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors an annual budget and shall report to the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors with respect thereto and compliance therewith.

Historical Committee

The Historical Committee shall coordinate the preservation of the history of the Camp in all appropriate forms and shall report to the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors with respect thereto.

Investments Committee

The Investment Committee shall review all investments of the Camp in the Trust and Endowment Funds and shall report to the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors with respect thereto.

Endowment Committee

The Planned Giving and Endowment Committee shall study ways and means of securing funds for the Trust and Endowment Funds by all appropriate means, including, but not limited to, pledge commitments, special gifts, inter vivos gifts and testamentary gifts and bequests and shall report to the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors with respect thereto..

Public Relations Committee

The Public Relations Committee shall study ways and means of promoting the image and mission of the Camp to the public through all appropriate media forms and shall report to the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors with respect thereto.

Log your selection below

Past Chairmen of the Board by Year

The following is a list of our Chairmen of the Board by year of service. The Chairman's term was two years in the early years, but in recent times was shortened to one year in duration.

Past Chairmen of the Board
  • *Jack Wiech: 1949-52
  • *Frank Robertson: 1952-56
  • *Reagan Smith: 1956-60
  • *Jim Ed Waller: 1960-65
  • *Roland C. Jordan: 1965-67
  • *E.H. Munger: 1967-69
  • *Ebb Grindstaff: 1969-71
  • *J.P. McCracken: 1971-73
  • *J.L. McPherson: 1973-75
  • *Sam Pakan: 1975-76
  • *James Ward: 1976-77
  • *Herbert F. Barsh: 1977-79
  • *James H. Wheeler: 1979-81
  • *Fred Hamilton: 1981-83
  • *R.E. Bob Price: 1983-84
  • *Roy N. Davis: 1984-85
  • *Raymond White: 1985-86
  • *J.L. Akridge: 1986-87

* Gone, but not forgotten

  • Marshall Cooper: 1987-88
  • *F. Ray McLaughlin: 1988-89
  • *Albert W. Brown: 1989-90
  • *Garvis D. Gilbert: 1990-91
  • *Charles W. Philipp: 1991-92
  • Fred Stokes: 1992-93
  • *S.R. Moe Cull: 1993-94
  • *John Kendrick: 1994-95
  • Carlos E. Ayub: 1995-96
  • Charles E. Conner: 1996-97
  • Kevin Dinnin: 1997-98
  • *George Conner: 1998-99
  • David Kahlich: 1999-00
  • *Norwood Brenneke: 20-01
  • *Ed Stebbins: 2001-02
  • *C.A. Mac McCown: 2002-03
  • *Paul Palmer: 2003-04
  • Michael Morgan: 2004-05
  • Hal C. Griffin: 2005-06
  • Barron W. Cagle: 2006-07
  • Richard S. Talbert: 2007-08
  • Ken D. Gleason: 2008-09
  • Dennis Heitkamp: 2009-10
  • Jack King: 2010-11
  • *Pat Carroll: 2011-12
  • Sam Lindsey: 2012-13
  • Leon VanAlstine: 2013-14
  • *Jim Wilks: 2014-15
  • Bill E. Roe: 2015-16
  • James Browning: 2016-17
  • Rick Stoorza: 2017-18
  • John Eads: 2018-19
  • Gary Linker: 2019-20
  • Kent Basinger: 2020-21
  • Wes Carr: 2021-22

VIP Day 2024

June 21-23, 2024

VIP Day - Becoming a TLC Board Member

To facilitate your journey and to prepare you to perform at your maximum ability, TLC is providing an in-person Board Training ∧ Enrichment Weekend at TLC. Attendees will be treated to all meals and a two-night (2) stay at the Inn of the Hills.


The following member classes are invited and encouraged to attend:

  • Executive Committee Members
  • Newly Elected Directors
  • Elected Directors needing a makeup
  • Incoming 1st Vice-District Governors (1st VDG's as of July 1)
  • Council Chairman elect as of July 1

Registered to date (Refresh your browser to view most current)
Schedule & Registration

We will begin the weekend with a fajita dinner on Friday Evening at 5:00 PM in the Administration Building at the Texas Lions Camp. Saturday's activities will start with breakfast at your hotel. Lunch will be served at noon at the Administration Building, with dinner at 7:30 PM at the TLC Sports Lake.

Governing Well

TLC was founded in 1949.


Serving on the Executive Committee is a seven (7) year committment and involves travel as the committee meets quarterly at various locations around the state of Texas.

  • Tom Blase, Chairman of the Board
  • Gary Sult, Immediate Past Chairman
  • Susan Wallis, 1st Vice-Chair
  • Ann Ward, 2nd Vice-Chair
  • Ken Jobe, 3rd Vice-Chair
  • Wayne Dicky, Treasurer
  • Ken Jobe, Secretary
  • Brandon Greer, Governor's Representative
  • Tiffany Fade, Elected Director's Representative

  • Elections - Your Election to the Executive Committee
  • Elected Director's

    The elected directors are voting members of TLC's Board of Directors and are engaged on a monthly basis in the work of seeing that TLC has what it needs to operate. This is a working position with specific duties and expectations as the position serves as the primary liaison between their district and Texas Lions Camp. This is an elected position and each district elects two (2) Lions to serve in this capacity.

    Perhaps most notably, the position serves as TLC's "sales force" and will be responsible for at least 15 speaking engagements per year, the aim of which is to educate, inspire and invite participation and financial giving to TLC. While there are many ways that clubs and districts may support the camp, the 100% program is the primary metric that is tracked and is an integral part of an elected director receiving the award and designation of being a 100% director.

    For more information, please see the documents below.

  • Qualifications to be an Elected Director
  • Job Description
  • Tasks and Duties of Directors
  • 100% Award Criteria
  • Elected Director's Report

    Request Donor Records/Research

    When preparing for a club visit, public appearance or event, Board members may request donor records or research to assist in the promotion of TLC.

    Director Records - Current Fiscal Year (2023-2024)

    So that the Camp has an opportunity to keep an accurate record of its Elected Director activities, the following form will provide a quick and effective method of reporting and rewarding your hard work.