The meeting schedule will be relaxed but structured with built-in time for excursions, breaks, meals and yes, meetings. However, this will not be your typical meeting that is so focused solely on business first and fun if time allows. Rather, the format for this meeting is fun, with business occuring during the excursions.
Please bring your plus-ones and plan to have an engaged weekend together. Some events will be ExComm members only, which will be denoted on the Master Schedule.
The Texas Lions Camp and surrounding Texas Hill Country will be our backdrop for this exciting meeting. Plenty of fresh air, wide-open spaces and an abundance of creature comforts await you at Texas Lions Camp!
Housing will be provided at the Eagle Trail Cabin Development, which will offer comfortable amenities and will be centrally located to the campus.
If members wish to make a donation of funds to off-set this expense they may do so at their option in any increment they choose.
So that I may make arrangements, please complete your precheck-in form not later than Monday, October 28, 2024.