Quick Facts &Frequently Asked Questions

Regular Sessions

  • How much does it cost to attend Camp?
  • How do I apply for my child to attend Camp?
  • Does the application guarantee my child's acceptance?
  • What are the qualifications to attend Camp?
  • My child's disability is cognitive...
  • What are the qualifications to attend Camp?
  • What are the qualifications to attend Camp?

I'm so glad you asked. It costs about $1,850 per child, per week to attend camp. However, these fees have been paid in full by the Lions of Texas and other generous individuals. No family has ever received a bill for their child's week at camp.

The application process at TLC involves the submittal of an indepth application that will include the submittal of: 1) Contact Information 2)Physical and Doctor's Permission: Forms must be dated in the same year that your child will attend camp. 3) Lion Sponsor 4) Dietary Requirements 5) Insurance information and 6) Legal Waiver & Permission to Treat.

To learn more, please click here.

No. Each child's application will be reviewed by TLC's registrar and if necessary, by the review committee.

In general, campers must have a qualifying, physical-disability to attend camp.

Diabetic Sessions

  • How much does it cost to attend Camp?
  • How do I apply for my child to attend Camp?
  • Does the application guarantee my child's acceptance?
  • What are the qualifications to attend Camp?
  • My child's disability is cognitive...
  • What are the qualifications to attend Camp?
  • What are the qualifications to attend Camp?

I'm so glad you asked. It costs about $1,850 per child, per week to attend camp. However, these fees have been paid in full by the Lions of Texas and other generous individuals. No family has ever received a bill for their child's week at camp.

The application process at TLC involves the submittal of an indepth application that will include the submittal of: 1) Contact Information 2)Physical and Doctor's Permission: Forms must be dated in the same year that your child will attend camp. 3) Lion Sponsor 4) Dietary Requirements 5) Insurance information and 6) Legal Waiver & Permission to Treat.

To learn more, please click here.

No. Each child's application will be reviewed by TLC's registrar and if necessary, by the review committee.

In general, campers must have a qualifying, physical-disability to attend camp.

Down Syndrome

  • How much does it cost to attend Camp?
  • How do I apply for my child to attend Camp?
  • Does the application guarantee my child's acceptance?
  • What are the qualifications to attend Camp?
  • My child's disability is cognitive...
  • What are the qualifications to attend Camp?
  • What are the qualifications to attend Camp?

I'm so glad you asked. It costs about $1,850 per child, per week to attend camp. However, these fees have been paid in full by the Lions of Texas and other generous individuals. No family has ever received a bill for their child's week at camp.

The application process at TLC involves the submittal of an indepth application that will include the submittal of: 1) Contact Information 2) Physical and Doctor's Permission: Forms must be dated in the same year that your child will attend camp.3) Lion Sponsor 4) Dietary Requirements 5) Insurance information and 6) Legal Waiver & Permission to Treat.

To learn more, please click here.

No. Each child's application will be reviewed by TLC's registrar and if necessary, by the review committee.

In general, campers must have a qualifying, physical-disability to attend camp.