Title Sponsors - James Avery Artisan JewelersTM
“Texas Lions Camp is honored that James Avery Artisan Jewelry™ has chosen to partner with TLC in our fund-raising efforts by offering a generous Challenge Grant of $75,000 as well as taking a leadership role as the Title Sponsor for this event,” said Stephen S. Mabry, Chief Executive Officer of TLC. “Each summer, our organization provides, at no cost, a residential camp experience for over 1,500 campers, who have physical disabilities, Down syndrome, type 1 diabetes, or cancer. This camp would not be possible without financial support from individuals, corporations and foundations as well as Lions in the Hill Country and across Texas.”
Chris Avery, President/CEO of James Avery Artisan Jewelry™ noted, “Our organization has a rich history of investing in community organizations such as Texas Lions Camp. We are pleased to provide this Challenge Grant of $75,000 to support programs for children in the Hill Country and throughout Texas as well as encourage our friends and neighbors to support the organization.”