News You Can Use, from TLC

Board Meeting

Saturday, July 18, 2020 - by Stephen S. Mabry, CAE

Board Meeting, last Updated: 07/18/2020

Texas Lions Camp, Inc.
(830) 896-896-8500 |

From the Office of the President & CEO
Stephen S. Mabry, CAE

Board Meeting - An Open Letter to the Board of Directors

Kerrville, TX - April 20, 2020. Welcome to the ABC Format that saves you time and effort by organizing what I want you to do first versus what I want you to know, in this order: Action, Background, Conclusion. This document will give you additional information concerning TLC's Annual Board Meeting, which will be held in-person and virtually, at your option. (Note: the traditional Board Meeting has been condensed and the standing committees will not meet (unless scheduled for virtual meetings prior the weekend) nor will chairman meet with the Executive Committee. Lastly, the elected directors will not meet during the weekend (but will meet virtually at a later date).

Action - Next Steps
  1. Immediately upon receipt of this communication, log how you will attend TLC's meeting by our convenient, online form, (est. time less than 1 minute).
  2. Visit daily and on an on-going basis for updates
  3. Keep your eyes on your email for updates (make sure I am white-listed and added to your address book under any of the following cognomens [I've always wanted to use that word in a sentence]:, or domain of
  4. Between now and the meeting, make arrangements to have an internet capable device with you, which will be used throughout the meeting whether attending in person or virtually. In-person attendees will have internet access available through TLC's WIFI or your own cellular device.
Dear friends and TLC family: I call you friends and family because that is what you are to me as a result of our history together that spans more than 30 years (and some of you predate me with your care of Texas Lions Camp). I am writing today to provide you additional information and procedures for TLC's Annual Meeting.

Don't WorryThe year 2020 has challenged each of us in ways we had no idea it would and that is true for our beloved organization too! I have often thought that one of the greatest gifts God has bestowed is the withholding of the foreknowledge of the adverbs associated with our future and if you think about this year or some of your own past life's events, you will know this to be true. What I also know about God, is that He has perfect timing and has equipped us with excellence to deal with the times and seasons at hand, also one of the greatest gifts He continually provides as we join Him in His work.

In April of this year, the ExComm and I made the gut-wrenching decision not to open residential camping services to children as all are presumed to have co-morbidity and/or compromised immune systems or the possibility that they could return from camp to a family member who does. Admittedly, this describes many of you as well. To the extent that you believe you might bring a contagion with you to Kerrville or are fearful that you might take one home with you as a result of travel to Texas Lions Camp then STAY HOME with my blessing. Another fact that we are going to have to square with, is the likelihood that CV-19 is going to be with us for sometime and we are going to have to learn to operate in spite of it.

The Executive Committee and I have devised a safety plan, that will be strictly enforced for those who feel comfortable with the manner in which things will operate and would like to attend the golf tournament and/or other events in person. Moreover, now that I have advised you of the officially recognized procedure, your attendance in person signifies your agreement to discharge that procedure in harmony with your legal duties of care and obedience to TLC as a board member. For those who choose not to attend in person, please plan to join us virtually. I am currently devising systems that will allow your virtual attendance, check-in, discussion and voting privileges to occur without your being physically present, so long as you are virtually present at the time of voting.

Ensuring the Show Goes On
The importance of our annual meeting cannot be overstated. The entire next year is in fact predicated upon the decisions made with this agenda and without it, our governance structure will not have exercised one of its most important roles: to limit. Some of the more important agenda items we will undertake, include but are not limited to:
  1. Seating of the 20-21 Board of Directors and their election of Corporate Officers
  2. Adoption of the Annual Budget
  3. Adoption of the coming year's Annual Calendar for Summer Camp
  4. Appointment of our Audit firm to audit last year's Financial Statement & Business Acumen
  5. Disclosure of Current Financial Statement
  6. Capital Improvement and how plans have changed
In either case, whether attending in person or virtually, there are a number of things you can expect from me from now until showtime in order to prepare for the meeting. For those who have served in year's prior, much of this equates to what you typically would have received by mail, which will be provided this year digitally and by internet only:
  1. Safety Plan
  2. Call to Meeting
  3. Agenda
  4. Board Book - containing contact lists of leadership, chairmanships, and minutes (released later this week)
  5. By-laws or other Governing Documents
  6. Executive Brief (new this meeting to the full Board) (released week of 7/26/2020)
  7. Financial Statements
  8. Login to systems for the Meeting (released 07/29/2020 and morning of meeting).
TLC has one of the largest and most engaged Boards of Directors of any organization in the United States and we are indeed fortunate to have the favor of your support. I look forward to visiting with each of you soon and wish you every safety and good health as we seek to serve our target audience, the kiddos of TLC.

Respectfully yours,

Stephen S. Mabry, CAE
President & CEO
Texas Lions Camp, Inc.


Stephen is President and CEO of Texas Lions Camp, Inc. and recently celebrated 30 years of service to this 70 year-old, 501(c)(3) charitable, organization in August of 2019. TLC, Inc. has a large Board of Directors consisting of 94 voting members and over 300 volunteer members that serve on one of 10 standing committees. As a corporation, TLC has more than 200 full-time and seasonal employees (who are organized into 7 departments) and over 2,000 volunteers per year that are responsible for creating an atmosphere of success for more than 1,500 children with physical disabilities per summer. Stephen is a Certified Association Executive with the American Society of Association Executives, a past Certified Fund-Raising Executive with the Association of Fundraising Professionals. Stephen is a father of three and resides on TLC’s Kerrville campus together with his wife Shawn, who as luck would have it, is a professional editor.
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