News You Can Use, from TLC

Amazon Smile

Wednesday, June 23, 2021 - by Stephen S. Mabry

June 23, 2021

Texas Lions Camp, Inc.

Re: TLC is an Amazon Verified Charity

Dear friends:

I am writing to invite you and others to designate Texas Lions Camp as your charity of choice when ordering from Amazon. This is easily accomplished by selecting Texas Lions Camp as your selected charity from the “Your Amazon Smile” list, after you have logged into your Amazon account. And when you do so, Amazon will make a small percentage donation to Texas Lions Camp each time an order is placed through your account.AmazonSmileLogo If you prefer, there is icon in the footer of the Camp website (or use the one at left) that will take you to Amazon with TLC’s information quick-filled to make the process even easier.

We all place online orders at Amazon – why not designate a portion of the funds you spend at Amazon to benefit our Camp in Kerrville at the same time! There are no additional charges to designate TLC as your charity and it will not increase your bill.

After you have setup your Amazon account to benefit TLC, please spread the word and invite others to likewise designate Texas Lions Camp as their Amazon charity.

Thank you in advance!

If you have any questions or need any additional information, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Sincerely yours,

Stephen S. Mabry
President & CEO

Office:(830) 896 -8500 | Fax:830)896-3666
P.O. Box 290247 | 4100 San Antonio Hwy. | Kerrville, TX  78029
Executive Assistant: Megan Jaeger |

PS. Please feel free to copy the text of this post and send it to others electronically under your signature or share this post directly using the options below.

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