Lions, Rivers & Polar Bears...Oh My!Friday, February 21, 2020 - by Stephen S. Mabry, CAENews Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Texas Lions Camp, Inc. (830) 896-896-8500 | From the Office of the President & CEO Stephen S. Mabry, CAE Lions, Rivers & Polar Bears...Oh My!
Kerrville, TX - February 24, 2020.
Texas Lions Camp was recently notified that we have been selected by Mo Ranch as the designated beneficiary of the 2021 Polar Bear Challenge. To be considered, charities submitted an application, proof of their charitable status and an essay as to why they should be showcased as the charitable beneficiary of the event. The event will take place at Mo Ranch on January 1, 2021 and will involve Lions, volunteers and the general public who will pay an entry fee and then garner sponsorships to take a plunge down the Mo Ranch 35-foot, 116-foot long water slide into the frigid Guadalupe River.
This year's recipient, Hill Country Youth Ranch, garnered $70,000 in donations/sponsorships and set the bar high. By inviting the public and challenging the Lions of Texas, TLC has the capacity and the goal to take prior year successes and expectations to the next level and exceed six figures.
As you can see, we join a distinguished list of other fantastic charities who have benefited from this event and this is a huge win for TLC as we kick off CAMPaign Vision2020 & Beyond and focus on raising our local, community profile. (Photo: Courtesy HCYR - 2020)
When asked about the event, Stephen Mabry, president & CEO of TLC had this to say:
Stephen went on to talk about the importance of TLC's mission to build self-esteem in others, as follows:
The Polar Bear Challenge will be open to the general public and will have contests and awards available, such as:
A special shout out to PCC Tom Blase and Lion Ben Gardner who encouraged TLC's application. And of course, thank you to Dick Powell, president and CEO of Presbyterian Mo-Ranch Assembly, Breanna Larsen, Jenna Carpenter, the selection committee and all of the fine folks at Mo Ranch for their tireless work on behalf of so many others. "The Marketing Department and I will be working to provide tools and promotional materials soon, so keep your eyes out and start thinking about your role as we plan to make a splash for TLC's future," said Stephen. Congratulations TLC!!!
### _______________________________
Stephen is
President and CEO of Texas Lions Camp, Inc. and recently celebrated 30 years of
service to this 70 year-old, 501(c)(3) charitable, organization in August of
2019. TLC, Inc. has a large Board of Directors consisting of 94 voting members
and over 300 volunteer members that serve on one of 10 standing committees. As
a corporation, TLC has more than 200 full-time and seasonal employees (who are
organized into 7 departments) and over 2,000 volunteers per year that are
responsible for creating an atmosphere of success for more than 1,500 children
with physical disabilities per summer. Stephen is a Certified Association
Executive with the American Society of Association Executives, a past Certified
Fund-Raising Executive with the Association of Fundraising Professionals. Stephen is a
father of three and resides on TLC’s Kerrville campus together with his wife
Shawn, who as luck would have it, is a professional editor. |